API query returns wrong data

When I do this query via PHP console I get “[]” as a result:

php console -vvv climulti:request "module=API&token_auth=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&method=UserCountry.getCountry&idSite=2&period=year&date=2014-08-01&format=json&segment=pageUrl==http://example.com/Thesis1.html"

But, I know that this is not accurate, because if I see the data in the Web UI there are lots of visits from different countries.
Besides, if I run the same query but with “=@” operator instead of “==” for pageUrl, I get a reasonable result. Please note that there are no other documents that contain that specific URL.

My guess is that the first query did not get properly processed and got cached in the database. The first time I ran the query, it took quite a long time, but ever since it just takes a few seconds.

I also found this in the database, but I don’t want to make any changes in the DB without proper knowledge:

mysql> select * from piwik_log_action WHERE name = "example.com/Thesis1.html";
| idaction | name                                                       | hash      | type | url_prefix |
|    11255 | digital.bl.fcen.uba.ar/Download/Tesis/Tesis_5402_Gomez.pdf | 364414834 |    1 |          0 |
|    11257 | digital.bl.fcen.uba.ar/Download/Tesis/Tesis_5402_Gomez.pdf | 364414834 |    1 |          0 |
2 rows in set (0.03 sec)

How can I tell Piwik to do the full query again?