Hi experts,
after upgrading from 1.1 to 1.4 (which worked fine) I activated the anoymizeIP Plugin.
But still can see the full ip-adress in the visitor-trace-log.
The last number is not 0.
And yes,
ip_address_mask_length = 1
is set in the global.ini.php
PluginsInstalled[] = "AnonymizeIP"
is set in the config.ini.php
Edit: Sorry, i misread the problem. I thought it was about the database value not the Live! plugin values.
i had/have the same issue. But if i set
ip_address_mask_length = 4
the saved IP in my database is 0.
I am ‘guessing’ that the database format is different than piwiks. This results in not cutting the last byte of the IP. But i think the saved IP is still not the real one if you have a mask value of at least 1.
Could you please try a value of 4 and report if you get a different result?