My Piwik-Installation monitors many webpages. Some of them want to anonymize the visitiors IP and some dont. I know of the Plugin AnonymizeIP but this applies to all webpages.
My Question:
Is there a way to anonymize only specific webpages?
I think a SQL-query that is run periodically and deletes the IP’s for the correspondent webpages would be fine. I found a delete-log-sql-command in but before I spend loads of time in peeking into the structure and destroy half of my data along the way : maybe someone here has already done it and can just give me the delete-command you use style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif
ps: in general:
I run the - command every 5 minutes via cronjob. After running this command the logs in the mysql-database become useless? dont they. The archive-command only processes new entries? So I could delete the logs every 5 minutes?