Hi all, encountering a very similar issue with MTM (matomo.cloud)
For some reason, I have a series of sites where the site ID will be determined by a combo of 2 datalayer-based variables, e.g. environment and sitename:
My thinking was to first combine both variables using a Custom JavaScript variable for later use in a “lookup table”:
function () {
var env = "{{DL - Environment}}";
var site= "{{DL - Sitename}}";
// Debug fails and returns variable names with curly brackets
console.log("Environment: " + env);
console.log("Sitename: " + site);
var sites = [ // use arrays to act like a lookup table
for (var i=0; i<sites.length;i++){
var c = sites[i].split("|");
if (c[0]==env && c[1]==disp){
return c[2];
return 1;
Of course the above fails because I can’t access the datalayer variables’ values as variables.
Next I tried using a Custom HTML tag to concatenate environment and sitename and that worked. For a while.
var _mtmSite = {{DL - Environment}}+"|" + {{DL - Sitename}};
Great, now I have a page-level variable I can play with (validated in debug mode) and use as a lookup table variable? Right? Right?
Assuming I create a variable using page variable _mtmSite, I can use advanced tag settings to create a lookup table:
if equals dev|corporate then equals 1
if equals dev|blog then equals 2
In theory this is supposed to work but as soon as I reference a variable as site ID in my Matomo Analytics config variable, all I get is the error message:`
Matomo idSite: An unexpected website was found in the request: website id was set to '0' .
Please advise, my only other option is otherwise to create one container per site/app and that kind of defeats my tag management strategy.