All visitors from IP:

I can’t figure out why Piwik shows all visitors from IP:
Piwik and all monitored pages are on same server and I use internal DNS to access them, so the urls are something like http://intranet. All visitors are also local so the IP addresses can only be like 192.168.x.x.
Piwik version is 2.9.1 and I use javascript for tracking. If I could pass the IP with javascript (for example like setUserId), that would be an option too.
Any suggestions?

Do you have IP anonymisation turned on in the Privacy settings? This option turns to “0” the 2 last numbers of the IP addresses to protect the privacy of visitors.

Hi there, check out this FAQ which usually helps users with this issue: How do I configure Piwik when the server is installed behind a proxy? - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Yes, Anonymize Visitors’ IP addresses was turned on, now is all fine, thank you.