All icons missing after 2.0.x upgrade

Dear Piwik forum members!

I have a problem. After updating to 2.0.3 (maybe it happened when updating to 2.0.x) I cannot see any icons on the pages (please see attached image). When I try to access an image directly via the image URL ( http(s):///webstat/plugins/UsersManager/images/no-access.png )
I get an access denied error (error 403). I’m logged in as adminstrator. What’s the problem here? The .htaccess in the plugins-dir is left untouched.

With regards,


Hello again!

Tracking code also cannot be created/shown as the text box is always empty.
I found massive differenced between 1.12/plugins/.htaccess and 2.0.3/plugins/.htaccess but I did not find a version history in the GIT repo.

With regards,


please delete your plugins/.htaccess and this may fix it?


I found two problems:

Old 1.12 plugins/.htaccess has 535 bytes in size and contains the following lines:
<Files ~ “.(test.php|gif|ico|jpg|png|svg|js|css|swf)$”>

Allow from all

<IfModule !mod_access_compat>

Allow from all

Allow from all

Satisfy any

This part is missing in the current .htacces:
<Files “*”>

Deny from all

<IfModule !mod_access_compat>

Deny from all

Deny from all

(complete file).

I made a maintenance run and disabled and reenabled the theme and now it seems to be alright. The .htaccess looks like the old 1.12 one.

So we can close this thread. Thanks for your help!

With regards,


Thanks for the follow up and solution