Hello, i wanted to replace an older custom theme with a new one and found this template online https://github.com/Findus23/matomo-ClassicTheme.
I’ve tried to even make is smaller and just wrote a plugin.json and a main.less under a stylesheet directory.
Now i’ve uploaded the Theme as a zip, but it seems it had some errors which lead to a fatal error in our matomo installation.
The error is: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("ParseError: Unexpected input in anonymous-file-0.less on line 9836, column 739834| @theme-color-menu-contrast-textSelected: @theme-color-brand;9835| @theme-color-menu-contrast-textActive: @theme-color-brand;9836| @theme-color-menu-contrast-background: @theme-color-header-background").
On the fatal error page it had a button to deactivate the theme which did nothing but forward me to an an error occurred page with “The parameter ‘redirectTo’ isn’t set in the Request, and a default value wasn’t provided.”
Even when i provided a redirectTo in the link of the deactivate button it didnt seem to deactivate the theme as the same first error from above still is there.
Now i wonder how a simple less error leads to a fatal error for the whole matomo and what i can do now as the matomo is not responding at all besides showing that error (deleting the theme directory didnt do anything aswell).
Thanks in advance!