After upgrading to Piwik 2.10.0 tracking does not work anymore

The following error is posted in the php-error log

[11-Feb-2015 07:04:45 UTC] Error in Piwik (tracker): Error query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘config_os’ doesn’t have a default value In query: INSERT INTO piwik_log_visit (idvisitor, config_id, location_ip, location_browser_lang, visit_total_events, referer_url, referer_name, referer_type, location_country, visitor_days_since_last, location_provider, visitor_localtime, referer_keyword, visit_last_action_time, visit_total_time, visitor_days_since_first, visit_goal_converted, visit_goal_buyer, visit_first_action_time, visitor_days_since_order, visitor_returning, visit_exit_idaction_url, visit_total_actions, visit_total_searches, visit_exit_idaction_name, visit_entry_idaction_url, visitor_count_visits, visit_entry_idaction_name, idsite)

Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you.

Hi there,

thanks for the report. This should be a bug. Can you please create an issue on Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub


I could find a work-around to make Piwik work again by comparing and adjusting the config.ini.php with a plain new Installation
and by comparing the piwik_log_visit table columns and adding the missing columns to the upgraded schema.

May be a bug and can be fixed in the update procedure?
