Adwords tracking - final url


i am not really sure, how to handle the change from Google because of the new final url system.

Our links are at the moment something like:{keyword}
(so here only the name of the campaign and the dynamic keyword)
(here the name of the campaign and the currency (no need to track the currency in piwik)

What i have to put now in final url, tracking temp, parameter etc…

Thanks for your help.


i have as final url for the add and as final url for each keyword so no tracking parameters

and then in the advanced url options of the add I use:


google will append the pk_ parameters and the gclid of configured to the final url


Hello Bram,

thanks for your answer.

I tried it now with some campaigns, but:

If i check now our campaigns at the google search and click on it, i only get (as a link from google):

Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting |

There is nothing inside about pk campaigns or keyword etc. - so how is piwik able to track this!?


PS: i checked now Piwik - my own click is tracked, but WITHOUT any parameters (referer only google, not a campaign and without a keyword).

using {unescapedlpurl}?pk_campaign=adwords-{_cam}-{_add}&pk_kwd={keyword}

and can see these parameters in the long click url

think the key is to set the final url

on piwik the campaign visitor count does match the click count in adwords

Hm, i made the campaing now like this:

[Broken image from]


the {unescapedlpurl}?pk_campaign=adwords&pk_kwd={keyword}

goes into ‘tracking-vorlage’

the parameters are the next step where you can define a ‘tracking-vorlage’ on campaign level and just adjust the parameters on group or add level

Hello again bram,

omg… stupid me :frowning:

It looks like, u make all this campaign stuff dynamic:


It would save me time, if i dont have to change now all Urls with the explicit campaign name like: AdWCamp1DE, AdWCamp2CH etc.

So as i see here u use _cam (campaign name?)
-add … no idea

Please, could u be so kind and make me a screenshot from one of your ad to see, what exactly u put on the optional fields?

I understand now, that i was wrong with my final url and it has to be under “tracking-vorlage” - but it looks like, that u make it dynamic (specially the AdW campaign name) and it would be great, to find out how…I checked the AdW link, but i dont find any infos about

Thanks a lot Bram


gets a bit out of the piwik scope but here it comes.

I defined the tracking template on account level, in the left menu bare there should be a ‘shared library’ (Gemeinsam genutzte Bibliothek) option, on that page there is a url tracking setting, the last option


on campaign level i defined the first parameter, the tracking template field is empty

Then I define the second tracking parameter on add level, the tracking template is empty too

Yeah, got it…thanks a lot Bram! :slight_smile:

Hi guys,

I’m not yet familiar with the changes in Google Adwords campaign.

It would be great if you could help me: can you tell me if we need to update our user guide here: Tracking Campaigns – Analytics Piwik - Analytics Platform - Matomo

If Piwik users follow this guide, will Adwords tracking still work as expected?

if there is something else I could improve in the guide, I’d love to know :slight_smile:


Hello Matt,

yep, the guide is very outdated (for the “new” final url system from G).

It would be now too long, to follow every step, but u can see the changes in the google system directly at the AdWords help:

For normal tracking its really simple: instead of the normal link, including ?pk_compain bla bla
u use the domains url and in the tracking u write (as example):


So we, the AdW customers, can easy make new tracking parameter, without getting again into the review process from the google raters.

Thanks for the tip. I created an issue to make sure we will update the guide: Upgrade guide for Tracking Campaigns following Google Adwords tagging changes · Issue #8348 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub

if you have further suggestions, let us know here or in the issue :slight_smile:

Thanks for the post, very useful!

Can someone help review my setup and let me know if I’ve got any possible problems?

Campaign Level URL Options (in AdWords)

These ValueTrack parameters come from this page (About ValueTrack parameters - Previous - AdWords Help) and I really hope they work like this. Here is how they are defined:

{placement} - The content where ad was displayed
{creative} - The unique ID for the AD
{keyword} - Clicked keyword (on search network, but keyword matched to content if on display)
{adgroupid} - Ad group ID
{campaignid} - Campaign ID
{feeditemid} - Ad extension ID that was clicked
{network} - Network

As with all things Google. Adwords is a load of rubbish. In the adwords editor if you try to set up the tracking URL using the campaign parameters you get an error message saying the parameters cannot contain an underscore. What a bunch of jokers.

Please see the attached image is anybody the wiser how to resolve this

Not sure if i have is right but I think you do it as follows. At ad group level tracking url


From what I can gather from the appalling adwords documentation this implies that the campaign parameters are appended to the end of the keywords URL