Admin url change

Hi, how change admin url, like ?

What are you talking about? Matomo does nothing in this direction.

I want to split main site and manage site (Administration)

What do you mean with manage site? The matomo settings? That is not possible.

OK, as an example - Wordpress with /wp-admin for manege site.

In Matomo everything in the backend uses the index.php.

Could you explain why you would need a feature like this?

Our network security service want to limit access to admin part site

Well, no user can access this part of Matomo if not given the right to by an admin?

Main site can access to external network
Admin site can access only internal

Just to be sure:

Is the admin page for you everything that comes after login or everything that comes after klicken on the settings wheel?

after click settings wheel

Ok, than there is no easy solution. You would need to manually craft a specific webserver configuration to block access to the site if the URL contains a module you dont wanna be accessible.