Additional operations while adding new site

Hi all,

I’m a newbie here.

I would like to make some file operations while adding new website to the site manager. After clicking to add new site I need:

  1. create a directory xxx
  2. add a new site to site manager with that directory in url, f. ex.
  3. create a file in the directory xxx with a tracking code.

Do you think it’s easier to add such operations to existing site manager, or create a new one, simpler, with the API?
Do you have any tips or comments how to do it?
Where can I find an examples with site manager API?

Thanks in advance.

Currently unfortunately it is not easy to do so because there is no “hook” in the API function.
but, we could add it or a global mechanis, to hook on any API function? please create a ticket if needed

Where can I find examples of site manager API?