Actions -> Page Titles is so small!`


On the actions -> page titles page the table fills just as much as it would if it was a single widget on the dashboard. So small style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif

It doesn’t fill the screen and the titles truncate so much they’re useless to me (and probably a whole bunch of other people).

All I get is about 20 or so characters so all I ever get to see is:

Playdoh fansite: check …
Playdoh fansite: Your pri…
Playdoh fansite: Someth…
Playdoh fansite: Words g…

Playdoh fansite: Viewing A…
Playdoh fansite: Viewing V…
Playdoh fansite: Viewing T…
Playdoh fansite: Viewing Q…

Yeah its pretty brutal.

Same for me style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif

Hover over the label to see the complete text.

Truncating isn’t perfect because the tables are auto-sized. We already have a ticket to investigate changes.

In the Piwik config file, we can specify a number of lines in widget tables; i’ve set it to something like 30.

Why can’t we just specify the number of charaters a string must reach before before getting truncated just like we specify the number of rows ?

That would be great.

I would also like to see this fixed. style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif