42 - Who created the default Matomo custom plugin and what was her/his inspiration?

Hi all,
I am currently working on recording a video about Matomo Analytics and the geek culture behind it.
When one create a custom plugin within Matomo, its gets the following display by default:

'answerToLife' => 42

source: Pages: Develop - Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) - Developer Docs - v3
which relates to the book of Douglas Adams “H2G2”.
I just would like to know if was intended when the developer of the plugin made it.
I mean, did she/he realize that Matomo is used by analysts in order to extract data out of it and that if the question has not been properly made by our client… then we are struggling.
or did she/he made the plugin without thinking it at all?

-> So to say, what was the inspiration behind the creation of this default plugin?

Thank you for your answer,

Thanks to @Lukas I got a huge part of the answer, source: matomo/plugins/ExamplePlugin/API.php at d42de6686fb957c49d8aae84efd4298453fc53bb · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub
it was @matthieu at the really beginning of Matomo.

Here is the video about it if you would like to know more about the Ultimate Hitchhiker guide to the galaxy. Matomo and the geeky culture behind it - FLOSS Marketing School - PeerTube's instance