2 Problems, Google and Unique Visitors

I would be really happy if some one could help me with these 2 questions:

  1. When I’m looking at the Visitors details, I see that many of the visitors from the “
    Websites” are from Google, for some reason, the “Websites” show also the referrers from google search engine, and then creates an addition “visitors” that already appear in the “Search Engine” section and therefore it adds a fake number to the “Total Visitors”, can it be fixed, or because it shows the search queries from google as websites, it cannot be done.

  2. How can I create a Graph of the “Unique visitors”? the only graph that I can create is for “Visits” and for “Returning Visitors”

Thank you very much!

I believe This is fixed in 1.7

and about the “Unique Visitors”?

Check Piwik 1.7, fixed as well: 301 Moved Permanently

please test!