1.1 beta 4 - Can not login after install


After update to 1.1 b4, i can not login anymore. Tried to reinstall and rebuild config.inc.php with no success

and also this:

Différence de taille de fichier : /home/www/b2eb18dccdc0bfe88280c8508d8527e4/web/piwik_beta/libs/tcpdf/fonts/almohanad.php (longueur attendue: 14176, rencontrée : 14074)
Différence de taille de fichier : /home/www/b2eb18dccdc0bfe88280c8508d8527e4/web/piwik_beta/misc/generateDoc.bat (longueur attendue: 117, rencontrée : 115)

Sorry for the inconvenience. I’m responsible for most of the Login changes going into 1.1.

Are you using a reverse proxy? In 1.1, the proxy headers are configureable. (The update script is targeted for 1.1, so it wouldn’t have been run when updating to 1.1b4.) See config/global.ini.php’s proxy_client_headers[] and proxy_server_headers.


  • is the login failing for all users?
  • What php version?
  • Are you getting any errors or warnings on the screen or in the web server logs?


all proxy_client_headers are deactivated. There is no proxy_server_headers variable.

Yes, su and others


No php error, see http logs attached.

Thank you for your support ;-D

For me also it’s not working . i need to reset the password and get in …


jOoL: ok, from your weblog, I can see the POST for the login form, and the 302 redirect. If you got sent back to the login form without a warning/error, then it means Piwik authenticated your login successfully, and sent back a cookie (piwik_auth). Check your browser settings/addons/extensions to make sure cookies are enabled and aren’t being blocked in any way.

sent back a cookie (piwik_auth). Check your browser settings/addons/extensions to make sure cookies are enabled and aren’t being blocked in any way.[/quote]

The cookie piwik_auth is set as follow:

name: piwik_auth
content: login%3DImpPb0wi%3Atoken_auth%3DImZlMGRhMzBiMzUyOTlmZDVkZTllN2Q2MWMwZTdlMTFiIg%3D%3D%3A_%3Dc822ee54f584c294279ac28ff7d1d4a3064af4e1

I tried with various browsers, with or without extensions, unsuccessfully…