Woocommerce Add to Cart Step in Matomo Funnels

I am using both the Woocommerce Analytics and Funnels Premium Features. I’m trying to lay out a set of baseline metrics to benchmark my site against some statistics in a book I’m working through by the Hammersley brothers.

Step one in the funnel needs to be any visitor. The next step needs to be visitors that added a product to their cart. Step three should be visitors that proceeded to checkout and the final goal should be visitors that placed an order.

Where I’m having trouble is with the add to cart step. I had it set as a cart page visit, but when someone adds a product to their cart in Woocommerce, they don’t necessarily visit the cart page. If they visit the checkout page, the cart page visit is backfilled, but that doesn’t help if they exit the site simply after adding an item to cart.

The Woocommerce Analytics Premium Feature captures the add to cart. Does anyone know if this produces a usable event to capture it for my funnel step?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


I managed to set up an event to track using Matomo Tag Manager, so it appears my problem is solved.

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