When will "support Sec-CH-UA" be implemented?

The ticket “support Sec-CH-UA” has been closed.
Is the implementation scheduled for 4.12.0?

Yes, the feature has been completed here:

And should therefore be a part of 4.12.0.

You can already test the detection part of the feature on

Hi Lukas!

Sorry for the addition.
When do you plan to implement Matomo 4.12.0?

Best regards.

The 4.11.0-rc2 has just been released…
Then the final 4.11 version should be released in a few days…
As Matomo versions are released around every 40~60 days, I think the 4.12 version should be released at the beginning of September.
But you can also take the code of the pull request and update the code of your own installation, and you’ll get the feature as preview! :wink: