What To Check : Sites Shows Zero Visits

Do I just edit my ArchiveProcessing.php file? Where in it will I make the change?

At line 450 remove this line:

  •   		$minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = Piwik_Date::factory(Piwik_Date::factory('now', $timezone)->getDateStartUTC())->setTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp();

and then add the following lines

			$midnight = Piwik_Date::factory(Piwik_Date::factory('now', $timezone)->getDateStartUTC())->setTimezone($timezone)->getTimestamp();
			if($midnight < $minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC) {
				$minDatetimeArchiveProcessedUTC = $midnight;

Hi Matt,

  1. I did double check, yes my settings are set to disable browser archiving, and
    Reports for today (or any other Date Range including today) will be processed at most every “18000” still. (but didn’t help so far)

  2. My cron is set to run 12:05, 13:05, 14:05 etc.
    To make sure, this is the cron which I use:

5 * * * * /usr/bin/php5 /home/username/public_html/p1w1k/misc/cron/archive.php – url=http://1xx.x3.x7.x0/p1w1k/ > /dev/null

  1. As for the patch, I did apply this, and will monitor if I’m able to see changes. (that code was on line 453 for me btw, would that caussing this issues ?)(as in a wrong overwrited files)

I keep you guys updated.


Hi matt

I have found my problem. Is on the server side like i was thinking.
I have enabled the allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include in php.ini file and works fine
Thanks you support !


Do we have to have allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include allowed for piwik to fully work?

Yes it helps

Hi Matt,

I just updated my php.ini with :
allow_url_fopen = 1 &
allow_url_include = 1

Please let me know if the “On” status value is having priority.

Changed also the memory_limit = -1 to memory_limit = 128M

With that said, I’d think with those two options enabled,
we’d open some more easy ways to get hacked overnight.
Wouldn’t cURL an better option in regards of this ?

Can you please verify that my cron is correct ? :

5 * * * * /usr/bin/php5 /home/username/public_html/p1w1k/misc/cron/archive.php – url=http://1xx.x3.x7.x0/p1w1k/ > /dev/null

Which should be correct imo, since otherwise any stats will stay at zero visits.

Now with those options enable, I should give it the whole wednesday to stabilize, so I will report back with an update at Thursday.


Hello Matt,

As I did promise you, some updates in regards of problems mentioned above.

  • Increasing the timeout in Settings > General settings to 18000 seconds did not help to get around my issues.

  • allow_url_fopen & allow_url_include Are “On”

  • memory_limit = 128M (The max my vps will allow)

  • MAILTO="email@adress.com"
    5 * * * * /usr/bin/php5 /home/username/public_html/p1w1k/misc/cron/archive.php – url=http://1xx.x3.x7.x0/p1w1k/ > /dev/null

Above settings did provoke to eliminate a part of the issue, since the stats for the whole month October shows me that I have got traffic at 67 sites. The wierd fact on this is, that before the month NOV did start, the October month stats didn’t show anywhere near the 67 sites that got hits in.

After 00:00AM I was able to see at the months stats 67 sites with in hits. I’m not sure if it was here straight after 00:00AM, since I living at a different time zone as my server-time is set up.

But I’, pretty certain that I did ‘stabilize’ at Nov. 01.

Do you see a patern here ?

*** Due to a human fuck-up from myself, I had to revert my install back to the point from before the made adjustments. Would you suggest me to make those changes in my ‘ArchiveProcessing.php’ ?

Thank you,


OK please upgrade to latest beta which includes the fix i propose above: http://builds.piwik.org/piwik-1.9.2-b3.zip

let me know after upgrade if you still have any problem. The accurate bug description especially When you check the stats, When your archive.php runs, What is your timeout in settings>General settings, etc.


This is strange. I am running 1.9, and one of my Piwik installations, the one doing web-triggered updates, has registered 0 hits on all my sites since Nov 1 as well. I did submit a trouble ticket to my provider, just to see if maybe they changed anything on Nov 1 before I start mucking around with code.

I already tried runing archive.php to force all time periods, but it didn’t change anything.

The other installation, updating via cron, still seems to be logging just fine.

Tech support at the ISP tells me there’s a new error popping up that wasn’t there before:

[error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /public_html/piwik/themes/index.php, referer: http://stats.server.net/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=generalSettings&idSite=1&period=month&date=today&updated=1

I checked my older versions of Piwik, and there’s no themes/index.php in there either. I’m confused… why would this have started on Nov 1?

fyi, there’s also a ton of Soft Exception errors complaining about piwik.php being writable by group.

Is the data tracked and appear in visitors > visitor log?

Nope. Everything is zeros, across the board for all websites since Nov 1, and the Visitor Log says “There is no data for this report”.

Late last night I increased the trigger from 1800 to 3600, and now one of my sites shows 2 visits. That site usually averages 20-30 visits per day, and this is the first visit logged since sometime between 10-11:30pm Oct 31.

Kinda weird :slight_smile:

If the data is not appearing in Visitors>Visitor Log then there is a problem with tracking. You can find out any problem by debugging the tracker as explained in: http://piwik.org/docs/tracking-api/reference/#toc-debugging-the-tracking-api-requests which is pretty easy to do. let me know how it goes?

You misunderstand… everything stopped working on its own when the month changed from October to November (I have my default view as month view of all sites), then started working again when I changed the trigger. It is tracking again, so there wouldn’t be anything to debug now.