What does it mean upload in binary? File integrity Error!

It says upload in binary.

I unzipped the file using 7 zip and uploaded to domain.xxx/piwik

one of the files is giving File Integrity Error.

I downloaded the latest version 1.2.1 from Piwik website.

"File integrity check failed and reported some errors. This is most likely due to a partial or failed upload of some of the Piwik files. You should reupload all the Piwik files in BINARY mode and refresh this page until it shows no error. "

I clicked on details:
File size mismatch: /home/sdebbad/public_html/goferr.com/piwik/misc/generateDoc.bat (expected length: 117, found: 115)

I tried re uploading that specific file using Filezilla, even though on my computer the size shows 117, it is uploading to size 115

In FileZilla, set the Transfer type (menu Transfer) from Auto to Binary and then upload.

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