Website setup: Error boxes in new field "eCommerce"

After updating from 1.4 -> 1.5 i also see an error box in the Settings -> Websites in the new field “eCommerce”. Also, every few clicks i need to relogin to my Piwik installation.

It seems that 1.5 is a complete mess :frowning: … preparing last night’s backup to go back to 1.4 …

There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Notice: Undefined index: ecommerce in /var/www/vhosts/^052^0528167D%%SitesManager.tpl.php on line 215

Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(8, 1 => ‘Undefined index: ecommerce’, 2 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/^052^0528167D%%SitesManager.tpl.php’, 3 => 215, 4 => array (‘this’ => Piwik_Smarty::__set_state(array(‘template_dir’ => array (0 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’, 1 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’, 2 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’), ‘compile_dir’ => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’, ‘config_dir’ => ‘configs’, ‘plugins_dir’ => array (0 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’, 1 => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’), ‘debugging’ => false, ‘error_reporting’ => ‘6143’, ‘debug_tpl’ => ‘’, ‘debugging_ctrl’ => ‘NONE’, ‘compile_check’ => true, ‘force_compile’ => false, ‘caching’ => 0, ‘cache_dir’ => ‘/var/www/vhosts/’, ‘cache_lifetime’ => 3600, ‘cache_modified_check’ => false, ‘php_handling’ => 0, ‘se…#1 include(’/var/www/vhosts/^052^0528167D%%SitesManager.tpl.php’) called at [/var/www/vhosts/]#2 Smarty->fetch(’/var/www/vhosts/’) called at [/var/www/vhosts/]#3 Piwik_View->render(array () called at [/var/www/vhosts/]#4 Piwik_SitesManager_Controller->index(array () called at [:]#5 call_user_func_array(array (0 => Piwik_SitesManager_Controller::__set_state(array(‘pluginName’ => ‘SitesManager’, ‘strDate’ => ‘2011-06-23’, ‘date’ => Piwik_Date::__set_state(array(‘timestamp’ => 1308838799, ‘timezone’ => ‘UTC’)), ‘idSite’ => 1, ‘site’ => Piwik_Site::__set_state(array(‘id’ => 1)))), 1 => ‘index’), 1 => array ()) called at [/var/www/vhosts/]#6 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch(array () called at [/var/www/vhosts/]

Please manually delete all files in tmp/templates_c.


Hi Peter,

this did not help. Also, i actually can’t access any of my sites. Always getting the error message like this:

The requested website id = 7 couldn’t be found

The ecommerce column was added to the site table in core/Updates/1.5-b4.php.