Website dropdown doesn't appear in 2.2

Since I upgraded to 2.2, the website selector dropdown on the dashboard as well in settings no longer appears. I can get site data by changing the site number in the dashboard URL, but can’t access in a dropdown. This means that in settings if I want to authorize a user to view stats for a single site, I can’t. Also the “All Websites” view just delivers a blank page.

How can I fix this?

Same problem. Update with out any errors.

301 Moved Permanently - here topic with problem

YYEAASSSS - I did it. Here is my way:

Open your NGNIX conf file - in my VPS it was:


and change here:

    ## Disallow any usage of piwik assets if referer is non valid.
    location ~* ^.+\.(?:css|gif|[b]html?[/b]|jpe?g|js|png|swf)$ {
    	## Defining the valid referers.

valid_referers none blocked * ;

if ($invalid_referer) {

return 444;

than reboot your NGNIX!

I use apache and don’t have that software. This problem occurred as soon as I upgraded. I have been running piwik for years through many versions. Does anyone have an idea that can help me?

Thanks for suggestion, I’ve submitted a pull request to the Nginx Piwik config: Allow nginx to serve HTM/HTML files by mattab · Pull Request #19 · perusio/piwik-nginx · GitHub

I still have this problem. Websites drop-down list is showing me only one website and the All Websites Dashboard is not working. It gives me this error You can’t access this resource as it requires an ‘view’ access for the website id = 1. Also The Visitor Map widget is not working, it throws this error TypeError: a is undefined at Line 4


@asj please update to the latest beta version, where we added a warning message in case there is a server config issue. Maybe this would help you. If not, please create a ticket on the issue tracker:

My problem seems unrelated (and I started the thread :slight_smile: ). I have freeBSD 9.2 and I am running Apache. Piwik has worked without a problem through every upgrade (via Ports). 2.2.1 and now 2.2.2 stopped displaying the site dropdown and clicking on all sites yields a blank screen. I can view my sites by editing the URL with the desired site ID. That means the data is fine.

I would appreciate some help getting back this basic functionality. I don’t get any config errors. All appears well…except this problem.


@asj please update to the latest beta version, where we added a warning message in case there is a server config issue. Maybe this would help you. If not, please create a ticket on the issue tracker: []

It still not works. I’ve created a ticket Ticket 5170

Seems I have exactly the same problem.

I upgraded from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 and now have the blankety blank (accept one default site) dropdown menu problem. Are there any fixes ? Using Apache/cpanel. Tried setting beta upgrades, but none showing, so no solution there.

these are basic tips to try and see if they help.

delete tmp folder contents. also try and increase php.ini memory settings.

I did both. My memory is at 25mb. No change.


25 mb thats pretty low i would do at leadt 125 mb

I misspoke. It’s 250mb.

what php version?

Running 5.3.15. I’m blocked from going to a later version due to issues with a mail program.

I am going to try to do a version compare to see if I can figure out how to fix the dropdown myself.