WARNING: /plugins/CoreVisualizations/JqplotDataGenerator/Evolution.php(89): Deprecated

We use PHP Version 8.2 and get this error Message:
WARNING: /plugins/CoreVisualizations/JqplotDataGenerator/Evolution.php(89): Deprecated - Creation of dynamic property Piwik\Plugins\CoreVisualizations\JqplotDataGenerator\Chart::$dataTable is deprecated - Matomo 4.13.1 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: VisitsSummary, Action: getEvolutionGraph, In CLI mode: false)


Hi Philippe,
we have this situation:
Matomo Version: 4.13.3
MySQL Version: 8.0.21
PHP Version: 8.2.1

and we receive the same message reported by BZB:

WARNING: \plugins\CoreVisualizations\JqplotDataGenerator\Evolution.php(89): Deprecated -
Creation of dynamic property Piwik\Plugins\CoreVisualizations\JqplotDataGenerator\Chart::$dataTable is deprecated -
Matomo 4.13.3 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: VisitsSummary, Action: getEvolutionGraph, In CLI mode: false)

Is this related to a bug?
Many thanks

Can I also thank you for all the work done on this topic.

However, I also have this “Evolution.php(89): Deprecated” error message when I click on the Administration icon.

Matomo version: 4.13.3
MySQL version: 10.5.18-MariaDB-0+deb11u1
PHP version: 8.2.2

If I’m reading the changelog correctly, it notes that this issue #20236 was fixed in 4.13.3 but I’m afraid alesscar and I are both still seeing it.

I can agree with alesscar and Phil Diacono, i have updated also to version 4.13.3 and the error is still there

Hi @alesscar, @bzb, @satphil
It seems there was some missings…