v2.8.1: api error while generating monthly report with "Provider"

while trying to generate a monthly (pdf- or html-) report with “Provider” checked an api error occurred:

<result><error message="API returned an error: Trying to add two strings in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: '65,77%' + '64,02%' for row # ['label' => 'unbekannt', 'nb_visits' => 3254, 'nb_actions' => 6848, 'max_actions' => 103, 'sum_visit_length' => 361402, 'bounce_count' => 2137, 'nb_visits_converted' => 0, 'sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors' => 3075, 'sum_daily_nb_users' => 0, 'conversion_rate' => , 'nb_actions_per_visit' => 4,58, 'avg_time_on_site' => 287, 'bounce_rate' => '65,77%'] ['url' => ] [idsubtable = ]<br />  at Row.php:644 "/></result>

It seems to be dependent to report setting “Provider” as shown in attached screenshot:
If “Provider” is checked, error occurs, if “Provider” is not checked, report is generated.

Any hint how to solve this issue?

Thanks and best regards, p.

please comment on this ticket: ERROR: API returned an error: Trying to add two strings in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: '7.01%' + '7.12%' for row · Issue #6485 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

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