Using .htaccess to restrict access

Firstly, thanks a lot @bpit @HuffinPuffin for your well working solution :slight_smile:
Just to let you know :

  • it seems that in last Matomo version, the piwik.js was renamed matomo.js. Unfortunately it will popup an Apache Authentication window to any user who just display your website …
  • that optOut option uses a new file optOut.js which shouldn’t be blocked by Apache

It changes

<FilesMatch "(^piwik\.(php|js)|robots\.txt)">


<FilesMatch "(^piwik\.(php|js)|^matomo\.(php|js)|robots\.txt|optOut.js)">

So here is the conf which work for me :slight_smile:

<Files "*">
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName "Authentication Required"
 # to be explicit, state the provider
 AuthBasicProvider file
 AuthUserFile "/etc/httpd/.htpasswd"
 Require valid-user

# Allow external access to piwik.php and piwik.js and matomo.js and robots.txt
<FilesMatch "(^piwik\.(php|js)|^matomo\.(php|js)|robots\.txt|optOut.js)">
 Require all granted

# Allow Opt-Out
<Files "index.php">
 <If "(%{QUERY_STRING} =~ /^module\=CoreAdminHome\&action\=optOut/)">
   Require all granted

I kept the reference to ^piwik\.(php|js) just in case …

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