User/Visitor Overview displaying decimal Number


i hope this Question was not asked yet, at least i couldn’t find an answer. Seems like with the last Update some things went wrong.

My Problem is that inside the “User/Visitor Overview” (i hope this is right, have a German Installation and it’s called “Besucherübersicht”) Visits are being display wrong. When i saw the total Number of Visitors a couple of Weeks ago, now i see way shorter Number with decimal place:

It should be displaying 1819 Visits as it did before, but i can only see the Number 1,82. Is this a commong thing that there is a Workaround for or does anybody have a Advice?

Thanks for your Help in Advance!


You are of course right that this is a bug:

This will be fixed with

Hi Lukas,

danke :slight_smile: Do i have to do something manually like pull something from Git or change a File? Or will this be updated without me having to intervene? Thanks for your Help


You can either wait until the release of 3.13.1 or manually edit your plugins/VisitsSummary/Reports/Get.php as seen in`(remove the marked lines)

diff --git a/plugins/VisitsSummary/Reports/Get.php b/plugins/VisitsSummary/Reports/Get.php
index 9bb7b017ab..2288e90e68 100644
--- a/plugins/VisitsSummary/Reports/Get.php
+++ b/plugins/VisitsSummary/Reports/Get.php
@@ -101,33 +101,6 @@ public function configureView(ViewDataTable $view)
                 if (!is_numeric($nbUsers) || 0 >= $nbUsers) {
                     $view->config->replaceSparklineMetric(array('nb_users'), '');
-                $avgGenerationTime = $firstRow->getColumn('avg_time_generation');
-                if (false === $avgGenerationTime) {
-                    // fix avgGenerationTime is not formatted if value is false
-                    /** @var Formatter $formatter */
-                    $formatter = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Metrics\Formatter');
-                    $avgGenerationTime = $formatter->getPrettyTimeFromSeconds($avgGenerationTime, true);
-                    $firstRow->setColumn('avg_time_generation', $avgGenerationTime);
-                }
-                $numberMetrics = array('nb_visits', 'nb_uniq_visitors', 'nb_users', 'nb_actions',
-                                       'nb_pageviews', 'nb_uniq_pageviews', 'nb_searches', 'nb_keywords', 'nb_downloads',
-                                       'nb_uniq_downloads', 'nb_outlinks', 'nb_uniq_outlinks', 'max_actions');
-                foreach ($numberMetrics as $metric) {
-                    $value = $firstRow->getColumn($metric);
-                    if (false !== $value) {
-                        $firstRow->setColumn($metric, $numberFormatter->formatNumber($value));
-                    }
-                }
-                $value = $firstRow->getColumn('bounce_rate');
-                if (false !== $value) {
-                    $firstRow->setColumn('bounce_rate', $numberFormatter->formatPercent($value, $precision = 1));
-                }
-                $value = $firstRow->getColumn('nb_actions_per_visit');
-                if (false !== $value) {
-                    $firstRow->setColumn('nb_actions_per_visit', $numberFormatter->formatNumber($value, $maxFraction = 1));
-                }

Hi Lukas,

allright, thanks a lot!

I’ve updated to 3.13.0 and being hit by this bug. Is this still valid, until 3.13.1 is released?

Yes, this will be fixed in 3.13.1

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