Upgrade 1.6, script SQL to update


I don’t find sql script to update database for piwik 1.6 upgrade.

I can not use update script.

Best regards

I have the same issue. I uploaded all the files and now the screen remains white. I tried to update it manually via shell access using the following:

$ php /path/to/piwik/index.php – “module=CoreUpdater” (i inserted the correct path, but i get the following error: -bash: $: command not found

Does anybody have an idea for me?


Does the table piwik_log_conversion_item contains a column “idaction_category2” ? If yes the update has already been executed.

If not, execute the folowing:

UPDATE `piwik_option` SET option_value = "1.5.1" WHERE option_name = "version_core";

which should trigger the update again

Hi Matt,

thanks for your help.

I checked my database and the column was missing.
Then I executed what you said which also worked fine.

However, when I called up mywebsite.com -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspmywebsite Resources and Information. the browser window remained white. This is driving me insane. When I go back to the older version it’s ok, but I really want to update Piwik.


If page is white, check your webserver error logs