Updated w/found error! Not tracking home page but all others get tracked accurately

Hi all!
On Aug 17 I noticed a drop in traffic. I’ve been able to see that this is due to /index.php (what home page appears as) doesn’t show up in the Entry Pages. All other pages are tracking correctly. I’ve not made any changes to the home page nor to the piwik settings during this time. I’ve also added the code again, in different pages on the home page. No luck.

Has anyone else experienced this issue or have any ideas how to fix it?

Edit: I tried restoring from a few weeks before it stopped working and it still isn’t tracking, only tracking the site’s other pages, not the home page. Had to reinstall piwik but was able to salvage the old databases. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Found issue:
Edit2:*** It appears that the content was causing the tracking to cease. Including the words together “essay editing” for instance, causes the tracking to not work. Note that the image tracker workaround does work, but it appears that it does not allow any search engine referrals to come through, aka all are ‘direct entries’. I’ve tested this on multiple pages and these two words together cause the tracker to stop working.

Anyone else have this issue?


So basically the issue is that certain words in the title, namely “Essay Editing” together are causing the typical piwik tracker to not track the home page, but when other words are used, it starts tracking the home page again. Any ideas? Cheers

I just had to manually change the tracking code for the home page, rathan than have it use the actual page title.

_paq.push([‘setDocumentTitle’, “home”]);

Hi there

I just had to manually change the tracking code for the home page, rathan than have it use the actual page title.

it should have worked with your default page title. what was the title causing Piwik not to track?