Update to 2.15 changed average visit duration and time on page


since we updated our Piwik system to 2.15 we notice a significant change in average visit duration and average time on page.

Average visit duration changed from 340-350 seconds to 260 seconds.

Are these values interpreted differently in Piwik 2.15?



Same problem here. We have a massive drop in average visit duration while the number of visits increased significantly for no reason.

We’ve upgraded on 23 Oct 15:

If you have a solution, may you share it with us?

One cause might be: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/9198

Here’s a screenshot of our system.

I installed the update from version 2.14.3 to 2.15.0 on Tuesday, October 27th.

Not so sure about the increase of visitors – it already began on Sunday, October 25th and our company started banner campaigns for Christmas sale. Might be completely normal…

But the change in average visit duration is definitely strange and seems to be related to the update.