Update 1.1 -> 1.6 = huge troubles

Hi everyone

Yesterday, I tried to update Piwik from 1.1 to 1.6. The one-click update went fine but when it comes to modifying the db, I get into big troubles.

From the screen where it says the db need to be updated, I click “Update Piwik”. But then I receive the following critical error:

Error trying to execute the query ‘ALTER TABLE piwik_log_visit
DROP visit_server_date,
DROP INDEX index_idsite_date_config,
DROP INDEX index_idsite_datetime_config,
ADD visit_entry_idaction_name INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER visit_entry_idaction_url,
ADD visit_exit_idaction_name INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER visit_exit_idaction_url,
CHANGE visit_exit_idaction_url visit_exit_idaction_url INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
CHANGE visit_entry_idaction_url visit_entry_idaction_url INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
ADD idvisitor BINARY(8) NOT NULL AFTER idsite,
ADD visitor_count_visits SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER visitor_returning,
ADD visitor_days_since_last SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
ADD visitor_days_since_first SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
ADD config_id BINARY(8) NOT NULL AFTER config_md5config,
ADD custom_var_k1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_v1 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_k2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_v2 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_k3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_v3 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_k4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_v4 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_k5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL,
ADD custom_var_v5 VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL
The error was: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘config_md5config’ in ‘piwik_log_visit’

I’m not very familar with all that mySQL and PHP stuff so I’m a little bit lost now.

What can I do to solve this problem? Any help is appreciated.