Unable to log conversions

i’ve been struggling with goals for the last few days, and i seem to be unable to get them to log properly.

i’m adding the goals via the API using code like this :

		$goals[] = array (
			'name' => 'freeCall',
			'allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => true,
			'matchAttribute' => 'manually',
			'pattern' => '.*',
			'patternType' => 'regex'
		$goals[] = array (
			'name' => 'search',
			'allowMultipleConversionsPerVisit' => true,
			'matchAttribute' => 'manually',
			'pattern' => '.*',
			'patternType' => 'regex'

and then run the query to PIWIK. this part is working

the second part, i call the javascript function trackGoal( ). this passes the correct goal id (matched to the one in the database)

the problem is that although it seems to work (goals have been added, javascript trigger gets called correctly) i can’t seem to get any conversions. the conversion table is empty so i’m guessing i’m doing something wrong, but have no idea where.

any help would be appreciated,


The easiest way is to, enable DEBUG in the tracker as explained in: Tracking API - Analytics Platform - Matomo

and use FIREBUG to look at the request and the output and see why your goal is not converted

Thank you matt, finally figured out that the requests weren’t being sent as they should and now the logging works as expected