.ttf/icons not showing in 2.15.0 - htaccess problem?

Just upgraded to 2.15.0 and no longer see the icons at the top or left-hand side (e.g., see attached image).

I’m guessing it has something to do with 403 error on icon font file plugins/Morpheus/fonts/piwik.ttf #8691[/url] (and the related [url=https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/7618]Update some of UI icons with new set of font icons #7618) but, as this was fixed, I’m wondering if my .htaccess file in the root directory is overriding something with this fix. Tried multiple browsers and same issue in all. Also tried deleting the /tmp directory as well as a complete reinstall. Additionally, tried both http:// and https://.

Before the upgrade to 2.15.0, icons showed properly. Any thoughts on what might be the problem or how to troubleshoot? Thanks.