Hi there,
we got a problem with sending events to our Matomo instance since updating to 3.11 from 3.8.
Our Impulse is defined by an element click and the Tag uses the native Matomo Analytics interface. Tag and Impulse are working correct if separated - However, in combination the event is not REGISTERED in Matomo Analytics.
Here is our configuration:
"tags": [
"id": 448,
"type": "Matomo",
"name": "xxx",
"parameters": {
"matomoConfig": {
"name": "Matomo Konfiguration",
"type": "MatomoConfiguration",
"lookUpTable": [],
"defaultValue": "",
"parameters": {
"matomoUrl": "\/\/correct-matomo-instance.com\/",
"idSite": "2",
"enableLinkTracking": true,
"enableCrossDomainLinking": false,
"enableDoNotTrack": false,
"enableJSErrorTracking": false,
"enableHeartBeatTimer": false,
"trackAllContentImpressions": false,
"trackVisibleContentImpressions": false,
"disableCookies": false,
"setSecureCookie": false,
"cookieDomain": "",
"cookiePath": "",
"alwaysUseSendBeacon": false,
"userId": "",
"customDimensions": [],
"bundleTracker": true
"Variable": "MatomoConfigurationVariable"
"trackingType": "event",
"idGoal": "",
"documentTitle": "08 Product Request",
"customUrl": "",
"eventCategory": "08 Product Request",
"eventAction": "Eventaction",
"eventName": "Eventname",
"eventValue": ""
"blockTriggerIds": [],
"fireTriggerIds": [
"fireLimit": "unlimited",
"fireDelay": 0,
"startDate": null,
"endDate": null,
"Tag": "MatomoTag"
"triggers": [
"id": 427,
"type": "AllLinksClick",
"name": "AllLinksClick",
"parameters": [],
"conditions": [],
"Trigger": "AllLinksClickTrigger"
Thanks in advance ( :