Transitions - "from" page contains no link to this page

First of all, I really love the new Transitions Report.

One thing I don’t understand is that on the left side (‘From Internal Pages’) I see some pages that contain absolutely no link to the page I analyse - and there is also no direct link to this page in the navigation.

I took a look at the documentaion and it says:
“From Internal Pages means that visitors came to the page in the center from other pages on your website. This might be via links in the content or the navigation.”

How can this be?

It’s also possible that, the page between the “Internal page” A and the “Current page” C was not tracked properly so Piwik thinks it went from A to C… it should happen fairly rarely. if it happens a lot, maybe the Piwik JS code is missing on some pages?

I don’t think that this is the case but I’ll check it. Thanks for the hint.

Could it be an internal redirect perhaps?

I think it was a problem with our configuration that made the Piwik server hang from time to time. The archiving took forever… fixed it now and will keep an eye on the Transitions Reports. Thanks for your hints.