Tracking works, Pageviews 0

We have a PIWIK Installation with about 25 Sites and about 15.000 visits per month running for about 4 years. Since the update on 3.1.1 PIWIK shows no pageviews for all the pages. The whole “Actions” part is empty. Archiver is running with no errors.

Furhermore we detected, that in the archive_numeric table no new entries with the “Actions_” prefix were created since the update

Any hints ?

Please make sure that all plugins (especially the “Actions”-PLugin) was updated correctly and that it’s running. You can see the plugin list in Settings > System > Plugins.

Actions is up and running. Did a fresh install recently.

Hi, still no progress. Here ist the Log from the archiver wich runs every half hour. Maybe there is something I’ve overseen?

I am thankful for every hint, Is there anybody who experienced the same or something similar?

That’s really strange. If you want, I can have a look at it. Therefore you can send an email to with login credentials.