Tracking not working with Tag Manager | Works with direct _paq.push

Hi there,
I’m trying the Tag Manager, i create a basic Tag and Trigger in my container.
The Tag basically set an Event with a EventCategory=“FAQS” and EventAction="{{ClickID}}" and a EventName="{{ClickText}}". The Trigger is “All Element Click”. Nothing special here…

Testing in the page with the Debug i see in the Log tab:

"event: "
{"tags":[{"action":"Fire","type":"Matomo","name":"Matomo Analytics","numExecuted":1}],"variables":[],"metTrigger":{"name":"Clique em todos os elementos","type":"AllElementsClick"},"name":"mtm.AllElementsClick","eventData":{"event":"mtm.AllElementsClick","mtm.clickElement":{"piwikTrackers":[{}]},"mtm.clickElementId":"tema2","mtm.clickElementClasses":"active","mtm.clickText":"Questões Gerais","mtm.clickNodeName":"A","mtm.clickElementUrl":""},"container":{"variables":[{"name":"ClickClasses","type":"ClickClasses","value":"active"},{"name":"Configuração do Matomo","type":"MatomoConfiguration","value":{"matomoUrl":"","idSite":"5","enableLinkTracking":true,"enableCrossDomainLinking":false,"enableDoNotTrack":false,"enableJSErrorTracking":false,"enableHeartBeatTimer":false,"trackAllContentImpressions":false,"trackVisibleContentImpressions":false,"disableCookies":false,"setSecureCookie":false,"cookieDomain":"","cookiePath":"","alwaysUseSendBeacon":false,"userId":"","customDimensions":[],"bundleTracker":true}}],"tags":[{"action":"Not Fired Yet","type":"Matomo","name":"Matomo Analytics","numExecuted":1}],"id":"L5WMFUOW","versionName":"Versão Teste 1","dataLayer":{"mtm.containerId":"L5WMFUOW","mtm.startTime":1563792547126,"event":"mtm.AllElementsClick","mtm.mtmScriptLoadedTime":1563792547363,"mtm.clickElement":{"piwikTrackers":[{}]},"mtm.clickElementId":"tema2","mtm.clickElementClasses":"active","mtm.clickText":"Questões Gerais","mtm.clickNodeName":"A","mtm.clickElementUrl":""}},"time":"11:49:10 AM.762","index0":0,"index":1}

So, the Tag and Trigger are correctly fired, but watching in the Matomo Dashboard (Visits in Real-time) i not see the fired event, only the Page load Action.

For testing proposes i set a event in the page button, and i can see the event in the Matomo Dashboard (Visits in Real-time).
onclick="_paq.push(['trackEvent', 'click', 'btnDownload']);"

Also looked for Nginx, Database and Matomo logs, but nothing special there.

Any idea for debugging my issue?

Are you using the basic tracking snippet too? I have similar problems when I use basic tracking and tag manager tracking together in one page.
The Tag Manager Debug Feature shows the Event, but in Matomo Dashboard was nothing to see.

Did anyone ever find an answer to this? I’m seeing the same thing. Direct calls to Matomo produce the expected number of visits in the dashboard, but the calls to Tag Manager container are not producing traffic in the dashboard. When I test things from my computer I see the calls to the container work correctly and it loads, but no evidence of that on the dashboard. If anyone has other ideas, I would love to hear them.

For what it’s worth, the container was working just fine up until about two weeks ago when we made some changes to our page, but I can’t figure out what change may have caused this. And worse still, I do see a tiny fraction of events from the container being recorded. So it didn’t drop to zero, but I know many more people are hitting the site and not getting recorded.