Tracking html5 video as downloaded files

I have some videos «.ogv» embeded in my website ( an example here ) but when they are played, Piwik does not see.

is this exist a way to track video files as the «Tracking Downloads» feature ?

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The list of file extensions that are tracked as downloads is not yet configurable as far as I can see. Perhaps you could use the css class option or use the trackLink( url, linkType ) method of the JavaScript Tracker.

Thanx n0v1 !
yes i’ve seen this possibilities and i worked for few hours on it.

The .ogv extension (theora video) is tracked as download when a link to the file is put on page, and is clicked by visitor, then the file is open and played in place of the current page.
But when the embeded video is played into the current page, simply by clicking on «play button», the tracking not work… Yet this is tantamount to download the file.

Unfortunatly, the css class option has not help.

See the post: 301 Moved Permanently
maybe you could do something similar for HTML5 videos? if you find a solution please post a message here

If you click on a link to a .ogv file, it should track as a download. (See the list of extensions.) You can use the tracker API to add/set file extensions not already recognized.

In this case, I don’t believe you require visitors to click on the .ogv to play it. Rather, visitors open a page that embeds the .ogv. That’s quite different.

If you can code up a click handler on the play button, you can use trackLink() to log it as a download.

We now have a Media Analytics plugin that tracks Videos & Audio!

More information is available here: The plugin gives useful insights into media / video / audio analytics and adds many new reports, widgets and segments to Piwik.

Works with HTML5 video & audio, Vimeo and YouTube out of the box. Support for other players can be added easily and is documented in the developer docs. We are also happy to add support for more players upon request, please ping us. After installation the plugin will in most cases directly start tracking data see the setup guide

For a full list of features check out . Docs are available at FAQ, User Guide, Developer docs