Time for server,visitor in piwik_log_visit


In table piwik_log_visit, there are two columns : visitor_localtime,visit_server_date.

Visitor_locatime is visitor 's time, and visit_server_date is server(server which run piwik to log data) time , is it work like this?
I think it is a little strange. Why piwik don’t log visitor_servertime, visit_server_date, or visitor_localtime, visitor_local_date?

In table piwik_log_visit, there are two columns : visitor_localtime,visit_server_date.

Visitor_locatime is visitor 's time, and visit_server_date is server(server which run piwik to log data) time , is it work like this?
I think it is a little strange. Why piwik don’t log visitor_servertime, visit_server_date, or visitor_localtime, visitor_local_date?

I think you will get the visitor_serverTime from the visit_first_action_time(from its time field),visit_server_date you already have a dedicated column to it,visitor_localtime is also stored in the database.
For the visitor_local_date you can send the local date as a custom variable through the javascript to the server side which can then be appended to the piwik_log_visit table[/quote]