There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.2.2) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).
Notice: Array to string conversion in /<HOSTING_ROOT_STRING>/core/dispatch.php on line 37
Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(...) called at [/<HOSTING_ROOT_STRING>/core/dispatch.php:37]
#1 require_once(...) called at [/<HOSTING_ROOT_STRING>/index.php:47]
This happens when I try to return PHP data unserialized using the following URI query:
Yes the above URL had serialize=1 ( though it says serialize=0, as there is no edit post button ). I get that error, when trying to use the serialize=1. Here is the exact query:
Could you please edit that post, and remove that full URL. These forums are quite maddening. I thought That I could post a link like you did, then remove it. But I forgot that YOU CAN’T EDIT posts here. Thanks.
I am using v2.2.2. I use the Auto-update button when ever it lights up.
As for the forums, when I try to post a link, I get the standard enter address, then link title, but when I post, it is a full url, with no clickable link. I guess it that is how it is going to post, there should not be a link button. Then the edit post thing.
Your forums are great otherwise!
Did you try the link I was trying to post? That should have shown the error.