The timezone "Europe%2FBerlin" is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone


after new installation, I either can’t change domain settings, nor create a new domain.

When I try to save the new settings, I always get this error message:

“The timezone “Europe%2FBerlin” is not valid. Please enter a valid timezone.”

What can I do?

are you using 0.6?
This error is not expected, it looks like the url decoding is not done or something similar. What is your php configuration (phpinfo()style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif ?

I’m using the curent version.

After I run a complete new installation of piwik 0.6.1 the problem with the timezone was gone, but now I got this error message:

Die Adresse ‘’ ist kein gültiger URL.
