The Piwik Android SDK jar file


I know this might be an idiotic question, but I am trying to implement Piwik tracking with my Android application. I was following this instruction piwik-sdk-android/ at e59c146c9beefd9a731b749b7e3532d199cf5e84 · matomo-org/piwik-sdk-android · GitHub

In the second step which is to create the JAR file, I cloned this github repository GitHub - matomo-org/piwik-sdk-android: SDK for Android to measure your apps with Piwik and run the command: ./gradlew :piwik_sdk:makeJar.

However, I’ve ecountered the following error: Could not read path ‘C:\Users\TRUNGEL\Downloads\piwik-sdk-android\piwik-sdk\build\intermediates\classes\debug\timber\log’.

Could someone tell me another way to download the .jar file for Android SDK? Thanks


In the Readme you linked is a link to the .jar directly above the gradlew command:

gradlew :piwik-sdk:assemble :piwik-sdk:makeJar works for me on the master branch. If you want to further troubleshoot this, please raise a ticket on github.

You don’t have to build the latest .jar yourself, you can download the latest .aar (android jar replacement) from bintray: