I’m trying to run tests on a previous Piwik configuration (v 2.9.1) but I can’t run integration tests because of the following error
php console tests:run Integration
Executing command: cd /var/www/piwik-dev/tests/PHPUnit && …/…/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --group Integration
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ’
Piwik should be running at: http://unknown/piwik-dev/ but this URL returned an unexpected response: ‘ERROR fetching: curl_exec: Couldn’t resolve host ‘unknown’. Hostname requested was: unknown’
’ in /var/www/piwik-dev/core/SettingsPiwik.php:332
As you can see http://unknown host doesn’t exists, should be http://localhost or ip address.
the steps I’ve made were:
git clone https://github.com/piwik/piwik piwik-dev
git checkout tags/2.9.1 -b 2.9.1
git submodule update --init
php composer.phar install
Environment should be ok but I still get the previous error when running integration tests.
php console tests:run works flawless until Unit Tests are finished.