Strange behaviour on "Settings" Piwik 1.5.1


I´ve been facing a strange behaviour after upgraded the piwik to 1.5.1. When I click in “settings” the page is going to be blank.

Has anyone faced this problem?

Raphael Milani

I don’t even have a settings button to click on. I had to go in a round-about way to set user privileges through the Piwik Interface.

Yes, of course, but, my user has the privileges admin! This issue happens with super user too!

I found the problem when I clicked in “Settings” the piwik redirects to this link: http://xxxxx/piwik/index.php?module=UsersManager&action=userSettings&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday

So if I retire the extram params: &action=userSettings&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday then the link works and I can access the Settings of Piwik!
Only this: http://xxxxx/piwik/index.php?module=UsersManager

Strange it isn´t?