Still no solution?

It seems the 2.4.0 Version is useless for lot’s of users. Some one found the error?
I will try to go back to 2.3.0 till someone found a fix. All fixes I found here are no fixing my Problem.

Out of curiousity (because I won’t be able to offer any solutions) what are the problems that you see are making it useless? Can you reference other topics which might explain it? Or where did you get the idea that it’s “useless”?

(And besides my curiosity, if you don’t clarify what you mean, how will anyone know how to answer?)

No access to the Settings would indeed render Piwik new version as unusable,117384

Piwik don’t load my sites/stats at all.
Access denied by server configuration, I tried all solutions form the other near similar posts at this forum but it won’t work.
Is there a way to download the old version?

old versions are always available at: Index of /