Statistics for Settings / Multiple websites

Hi everybody. I´m new to this excellent software. I´m very happy with Piwik.
I´ve been using it for about a week tracking 3 sites.

I wonder if it is possible to get combined statistics, specifficaly about user settings (like OS, browsers, screen resolution) for all the sites currelntly tracked.

I mean:
Site A have 50 users with IE8 and 30 with Firefox.
Site B have 60 users with IE8 and 40 with Firefox.

Is there a way to see a global total like:
Site A+B have 110 users with IE8 and 70 with Firefox.


The only way to do this is to add another code on all your websites to record all statistics in one new Piwik website.

Thanks Matt. I´ll do that then.