Sorting of the All Websites dashboard


We are using Piwik for maybe 100 customers/websites with over 110.000 visits and over 5 million pageviews per month.
I now upgraded Piwik from 2.10.0 to 2.11.1 and noticed two changes:

  1. The websites in the All Websites dashboard are sorted by name, not by visits.
    The strange thing is, the website are sorted in two “groups”:
    First “group”, the websites with visits>0 are sorted by name, then the websites with visits=0 are sortet by name. See screenshot:

Question: Does it have to be like this or is this an error?

  1. Is there an option to deactivate the Widgets and the API module for all user?


/edit: sorry, forgot the screenshots

Hi there

  1. The websites in the All Websites dashboard are sorted by name, not by visits.

I think it’s a bug that is found because you use WebsiteGroups plugin. Can you please bug report here: ?

  1. Is there an option to deactivate the Widgets and the API module for all user?

It is possible to disable the “Widgetize” plugin which will disable Widgets.

However it’s not yet possible to disable the API - although you could write a custom plugin that would hide the menu item and/or disable it completely.

Hi Matt

Thanks for your answer.
I added a new issue on