a few days ago without anyone making changes to Piwik the Actions tab is now showing ’There is no data for this report.'
for all our pages. The data is there, the Dashboard, Visitors and Referrers section all show reports.
We generate reports via console core:archive, it always completes with no errors. Turning on logging with DEBUG shows no errors or anything unusual. We turn on Archive reports from browser, still nothing only showing … no data.
As far as our logs show, last update to piwik was in December, no change to the system since then.
Where is a starting point to analyze this issue? Any way to query the database to check if the report exists but maybe just can’t be found or displayed, any way to check if the Actions Plugin Archiver is working correctly?
Anything at all commercial support welcome! We need to get this fix and re-installation is not an option.
If you still have the issue, I’m not sure how to troubleshoot further… do you see URLs tracked correct in Visitors > Visitor log? do you see Page titles in actions> Page titles?
Visitors > Visitor log, yes i see all visitor for every site (16 in total)
Actions > Page titles gives the There is no data for this report. for every page
The breakdown occurred on 21 Jan
On 20 Jan; Actions > Page tiles; report is shown
On 21 Jan; Actions > Page tiles; no data for this report
I force the reports to be created again for all of Jan, setting global.ini.php
same result, 20 has the report under actions, 21 does not.
Upgrade to 2.16.0 i am not sure if i can authorized BETA in production, we have 220 mill records, adding 1mill a day. I know right now its a bit useless but upgrade may has other issues, and at least for now we still have all the records added correctly, so if the issue is fixed we should have the report.
Can you help identify where should i look for the report so i can compare 20 and 21 narrow down if perhaps the Actions Plugin Archive.php is doing its job, or perhaps there is wrong data in the database that could be cleaned. Maybe there is broken records that prevent a new record to be added, just guessing at this point.
Should i delete the report table for Jan and rerun the Archiver? will that do something else then forcing --force-all-periods on console?
Do you see the page urls and Page titles correctly tracked in Visitor Log? if so, then it really should work and I’d be confused… Yes, deleting the archive_* tables for January might help - does it when you try?
Oh, i just noticed your meaning going back and forth , under Visitor Log, it shows the visitors BUT it does not show the titles!! I apologies for not noticing this the first time when you raised the issue.
So the information are not tracked, so the reporting is correct but the tracking is wrong. Visitor Log also says action is 0 for every visit. i see sometime on 20 in the afternoon tracking of the actions stopped.
So that is a completely new direct in my investigation, do you have some advice where to start?