A few weeks ago, I updated Piwik (I think it was from 2.5.0 to 2.6.0 or 2.6.1). Everything seemed to be working again. But after a week or so, i saw there were no visits logged. At the time I could debug stuff, there was a new update 2.7.0. So I first installed that one. But this didn’t fix the issue.
No new visits are logged in the piwik_log_visit table. But when I look into the php error loggings, I see next line now and then. (I think this is the time, a new visit is tried to being logged):
Error in Piwik (tracker): Error query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘referer_url’ doesn’t have a default value In query: INSERT INTO piwik_log_visit (idvisitor, config_id, location_ip, location_country, config_resolution, config_windowsmedia, config_pdf, config_quicktime…
Running Piwik 2.7.0 on IIS 7 with php 5.5.
I tried to change the default value in the table, but got error like:
#1101 - BLOB/TEXT column ‘referer_url’ can’t have a default value
any ideas?