[Solved] Custom outgoing link tracking is broken since 1.6

I’ve updated to the new version 1.6 and noticed that the following doesn’t work anymore:

$(".bc-track a" ).click(function(){piwikTracker.trackLink($(this).attr("data-bctrack" ),"link" );});

before the update, it worked like the hardcoded

<a href="mailto:namexyz@mydomain.co.uk" target="_blank" onClick="javascript:piwikTracker.trackLink('/mailto/Agent namexyz', 'link');"> namexyz@mydomain.co.uk </a>

Is there anything changed in this behaviour?
best marcus

For security reasons, as per 1.6, the first parameter must look like a URL. So, please replace with:

javascript:piwikTracker.trackLink('http://test/mailto/Agent namexyz', 'link');

and it should work!

thanks, it works now!