”skipping archiving for period” Why does it occur at core: archive?

version: matomo 3.6.1
command: ./console core:archive --url=“http://xx.xx.xx.xx/piwik/” --force-idsites=“1” --concurrent-requests-per-website=“1”


INFO [2018-11-29 06:40:04] 12240  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-11-29 06:40:04] 12240  INIT
INFO [2018-11-29 06:40:04] 12240  Running Matomo 3.6.1 as Super User
INFO [2018-11-29 06:40:04] 12240  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-11-29 07:13:33] 12240  Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = month, date = last52
INFO [2018-11-29 07:13:33] 12240  - pre-processing all visits
INFO [2018-11-29 07:26:30] 12240  Archived website id = 1, period = month, 0 segments, 71613109 visits in last 52 months, 2186188 visits this month, Time elapsed: 777.097s
INFO [2018-11-29 07:26:30] 12240  - skipping archiving for period 'year' because processing the period 'month' is already in progress.
INFO [2018-11-29 07:26:30] 12240  Archived website id = 1, 3 API requests, Time elapsed: 2785.245s [1/1 done]

Even though only one website is being archived, is it already determined that “week” is undergoing archiving?

I found Issue When archiving sites, do not check if a command is already running when not using concurrent visits · Issue #13177 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub.
So I used version 3.6.1, but the problem did not work.
Please tell me how to solve it.