We have a custom dimension called groupid, and I can see the number of actions and unique actions, but I’d like to see the number of visitors and visits that generated the actions. E.g. add columns to this report that showed Visits
We have a custom dimension called groupid, and I can see the number of actions and unique actions, but I’d like to see the number of visitors and visits that generated the actions. E.g. add columns to this report that showed Visits
This is encapsulated in the unique actions. The action which is uniquely performed by a visitor (within this session).
However, you can get the unique visitors for this customDimension by segmenting for a given group-id. Then you can get a comparison of unique visitors to the unique actions to estimate the drift.
The Unique Actions figure is not Visitors or Visits, which is what we’re requesting.
We created a separate report using the Custom Reports plugin that shows how different these numbers really are:
We have so many groupids, we can ask the customer to segment by each one, one by one. They have a groupid for each product.
Our procedure now is to export these reports into Excel and do the comparison manually. We were hoping to be able to create a dashboard for our customer within Piwik, but that doesn’t appear to be possible unless we do heavy PHP development.
Right, that’s what I was trying to say. Thats unique action per session. But good to see that you accomplished your needs with the powerful CustomReports-Plugin!
Yes it’s helpful, but not user friendly for our customer due it’s limited functionality combined with the manual re-archiving and invalidation. We can’t get the re-archiving procedure to work reliably.
Are you aware of any dashboard/reporting platform that Matomo users have used to combine various reports into a summary dashboard? Matomo has been great for data collection, but we need a more flexible reporting solution.
If you need a real flexible reporting solution, Tableau is probably the way to go. You can attach it to Matomo on the database level and create reports as you need them. We don’t have an Open Source workbook for this yet, but if that’s a project on your end, you can contribute it, if you like!
That’s where we were headed. I was a bit hesitant to connect directly to the database and bypass the API for future compatibility reasons.
Changes / Updates to the workbook have to be part of the Matomo update process. Schema changes are announced in every changelog. There are only a few / or none major schema changes in the LTS versions, so this is quite predictable.
Right. I think our approach will be to build various database views, and author Tableau reports atop those views. Then if any schema changes we can manage it in the views.
We may also write a procedure to process those views into tables for performance, similar to the archiving process.
I guess we really hoped this is more of what the custom reports plugin would provide.
Well I could imagine that we will think about automatically invalidating the reports back for a given idsite when a new custom Report was created and let the creator choose how far in the past he wants his new report to be processed. So if this invalidation / preProcessing is the only problem this will probably be fixable.
If you’re looking for the highest degree of reporting freedom, there’s only Tableau (QlikView, etc.). So if you tackle this project, we’d be very thankful to get this documented (open source).
If there was a way to limit invalidation and re-processing to only the modifed report that would help a lot. It seems heavy handed to reprocess everything when the reports are modified.
We have a very high traffic site, which means reprocessing a report from the logs means many hours.
When we are designing custom reports, we don’t always get exactly what we want, but even the smallest change means waiting until the next day.
Now scale up to 10 or 15 custom reports, with users wanting to make various changes and it’s a total mess.
Please ask this in the Premium Plugins Forum section or write a message to the Innocraft Support. I’m sure they’re happy to assist with this feature request. Ideally, put a reference to this thread into the report / email.
I submitted the thread and feature request to support alongside my outstanding question regarding the proper invalidation procedure